


I want to share my music with you, and I hope that you enjoy it, in one way or another. Please know that more content is coming to the site, and I would love to hear from you all on my Facebook and Instagram! See you all soon!!!!

  • Squarespace had this template, so dream of using templates!

  • It all begins with using generic lines and positive statements. I am a nice guy, but some of this feels weird…

  • Like morning wood, when you haven’t taken that morning bathroom break.

jackson's lostcause jackson's lostcause

JLC is making a movie! That’s right, I’m making a movie…

and soon you’ll be able to see me as you’ve never seen me before…clean shaven! I hope that you enjoy my satirical take on my own endeavors within my music. Please check out a teaser clip on the BamBamORamaTV page!



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jackson's lostcause jackson's lostcause

Moving and moving and moving…

JLC has some fun and exciting news, but just can’t say it out loud…yet…

Hello my people, I love you all. Thank you for your interest, and rest assured that JLC will be bringing you what you have been waiting for.


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